Friday, April 15, 2011

First Blog Posting

In this first blog I was able to read up until Chapter 2.  My favorite quote from that whole passage is ", the past often is a prologue for the future". I really believe that. When you think back on things that have happened t you in the past and connect it to what is happening to you now it makes sense. This thought always comes to my mind "so that's why that happened". I am a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. That reason may not be known at that point in time, but it eventually will come around. I enjoyed reading about how persistent Professor Liberman's mom was in his early years. To me it is just something that moms' do when they feel something is good for you and in the end that extra push did have a great effect on you. Reading the passage made me think of what my parents forced me to do when I was younger. My mom wanted me to try new things such as ballet, dance, cheer leading, karate. None of these I enjoyed, but when I think on it I wish I would have stuck with karate because now it is something I would like to try. I was never into cheer leading because I thought it was too "girly" and typical of a young girl to participate in. My thing was soccer and I really liked it. I absolutely agree with Professor Liberman when he says we owe our parents a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. My parents have done a lot for me and I could only wish that one day I would be able to show my appreciation.

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